Raghu Bala
(From LA)
Topic: The Convergence of IoT, AI and Blockchain and their Use Cases in BusinessCEO, NetObjex Inc based in Southern California. Formerly with Yahoo, Infospace, PwC, and with 3 successful startup exits. Wharton MBA in Finance, MS in Computer Science from RPI, Ex- Columbia University Adjunct Lecturer, currently tutoring MIT courses in AI and Blockchain, published author and major conferences including IoT Congress, Google IO, and more. Current focus areas: Decentralized computing, Distributed ledgers, IoT, Cryptocurrencies.
1. Objectives of your session
This session hopes to accomplish various objectives including:
2. Case Study Sharing/addressing the challenges
We will present examples of uses of blockchain technology in several industries including Shipping, Healthcare, Smart CIty, Supply Chain. We will offer a working demonstration of the use of Blockchain in a public network e.g. smart parking, smart metering etc.
3. Takeaways and Way Forward
Clearly identify the concrete steps organizations can take to implement blockchain technology to increase transparency, improve communications, reduce inefficiencies, curtail fraud, and more.